Package ioids :: Module eventtrigger
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Source Code for Module ioids.eventtrigger

  1  """ 
  2  Check for new events in the database. 
  4  Inter-Organisational Intrusion Detection System (IOIDS) 
  6  This module is supposed to emulate trigger functionality of the database. Somehow, IOIDS must be 
  7  able to know about new events, reaching the central database (from other sub-systems). Since it 
  8  is quite complicated, to trigger from the database a function within this system, the following workaround 
  9  has been put in place: 
 11  This module runs a background thread, which in certain frequencies checks the event database for new 
 12  events. (configurable via main configuration file for IOIDS). New events are reported to the data engine, 
 13  which will then take further action. 
 15  @author: Michael Pilgermann 
 16  @contact: 
 17  @license: GPL (General Public License) 
 18  """ 
20 -class EventTrigger:
21 """ 22 Connect against the database frequently in order to receive latest events. 23 """ 24
25 - def __init__(self):
26 """ 27 Yet empty constructor. 28 """ 29 self._running = 0
31 - def startup(self):
32 """ 33 Puts the trigger in the background thread and makes it waiting until it's shutdown. 34 """ 35 from config import DB_POLL_INTERVAL 36 self._interval = DB_POLL_INTERVAL 37 self._running = 1 38 import thread 39 thread.start_new_thread(self.runUntilShutdown, ()) 40 41 from ioidslogging import EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, getDefaultLogger 42 getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, 'Event Trigger process started')
44 - def runUntilShutdown(self):
45 """ 46 This is the function, running in the thread, which will initiate the event download frequently. 47 """ 48 from ioidslogging import EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE, getDefaultLogger 49 50 import time 51 time.sleep(self._interval) 52 while self._running: 53 getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE, 'Event Trigger: Synchronise with event database.') 54 self._triggerEventsNow() 55 time.sleep(self._interval)
57 - def _triggerEventsNow(self):
58 """ 59 Performs the actual event triggering. 60 """ 61 from config import LOCATION_EVENT_ID_STATUS_FILE 62 from errorhandling import IoidsFormatException 63 from ioidslogging import getDefaultLogger, EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE_DETAILS 64 65 # in case, we cannot get any information from the status file - we will simply use 0 here 66 # (event ids are serials - can't be less than 0) 67 line1 = '-1' 68 line2 = '-1' 69 try: 70 file = open(LOCATION_EVENT_ID_STATUS_FILE, 'r') 71 line1 = file.readline() 72 line2 = file.readline() 73 file.close() 74 except Exception, msg: 75 pass 76 77 event_id = int(line1) 78 ioids_event_id = int(line2) 79 80 # get the events first 81 from dbconnector import getDBConnector 82 from dataengine import getDataEngine 83 from dataengine_tools import getPreXMLDictCreator 84 creator = getPreXMLDictCreator() 85 86 events = getDBConnector().getEventsFromEventID(event_id + 1) 87 counter = 0 88 latestEventID = str(event_id) 89 for result in events: 90 for relation in result['relations']: 91 if relation['name'] != 'event': 92 # here is something wrong 93 raise IoidsFormatException('Wrong relation name in result set.') 94 dict = relation['attributes'] 95 96 restructured = creator.restructureEventEntry(dict) 97 getDataEngine().newEventFromLocal(restructured) 98 counter += 1 99 latestEventID = dict['event_id'] 100 getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE_DETAILS, '-- Event Trigger Details: %d events received.' %(counter)) 101 102 103 # and now the ioids events 104 events = getDBConnector().getIoidsEventsFromEventID(ioids_event_id + 1) 105 counter = 0 106 latestIoidsEventID = str(ioids_event_id) 107 for result in events: 108 for relation in result['relations']: 109 if relation['name'] != 'ioids_event': 110 # here is something wrong 111 raise IoidsFormatException('Wrong relation name in result set.') 112 dict = relation['attributes'] 113 114 restructured = creator.restructureEventEntry(dict) 115 getDataEngine().newIoidsEventFromLocal(restructured) 116 counter += 1 117 latestIoidsEventID = dict['ioids_event_id'] 118 getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_UPDATE_DETAILS, '-- Event Trigger Details: %d ioids events received.' %(counter)) 119 120 # ok, finally, let's put the new values for latest event ids into the file 121 file = open(LOCATION_EVENT_ID_STATUS_FILE, 'w') 122 file.write('%s\n' %(latestEventID)) 123 file.write('%s\n' %(latestIoidsEventID))
125 - def shutdown(self):
126 """ 127 Shutdown the thread. 128 """ 129 self._running = 0 130 from ioidslogging import EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, getDefaultLogger 131 getDefaultLogger().newMessage(EVENTTRIGGER_STATUS, 'Event Trigger process stopped')