Package g4ds :: Module descriptionprocessor :: Class CommunityDescriptionProcessor
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Class CommunityDescriptionProcessor

DescriptionProcessor --+

Parses community descriptions (TCDL) and applies knowledge to the managers.
Method Summary
Yet empty constructor.
communitymanager.Community applyTcdl(self, tcdl, resolveConstraints, includingGateways, inbackground, includingRelations, status, raiseExceptions)
Processes a community description and distributes the knowledge to the local managers.
  processTcdl(self, tcdl)
Processes a community description and returns the values in there in form of a dictionary.

Method Details


Yet empty constructor.

applyTcdl(self, tcdl, resolveConstraints=1, includingGateways=1, inbackground=0, includingRelations=1, status=None, raiseExceptions=1)

Processes a community description and distributes the knowledge to the local managers.

The parameter includingRelations is for a 2 step application of community descriptions. The first step write through a dummy community with the required community id - no relations will be applied. Afterwards, all the referencing objects are applied - this way, they are able to back-reference the community. Finally, the community description is applied again (the 2nd time) - but now properly with all relations. Since all related objects should have been download and applied, the shouldn't be any more problems with referencing.
tcdl - Community description in XML format
resolveConstraints - Shall required descriptions (member descriptions for authorities) be downloaded during the process
includingGateways - Indicates, whether gateways shall be processed as well (necessary e.g. when two new TCs reference each other by GWs)
raiseExceptions - Only raise exceptions when we are in the main thread.
Reference to the new (or updated) community instance

processTcdl(self, tcdl)

Processes a community description and returns the values in there in form of a dictionary.
tcdl - Community description to process as XML formated string

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Oct 22 22:52:47 2005