Package g4ds :: Module communicationmanager
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Module g4ds.communicationmanager

All stuff involving communication for G4DS.

Grid for Digital Security (G4DS)

Protocols and Endpoints are managed in here. For each of them a Manager is available through a Singleton interface (getXXXManager). The managers are maintaining the database backend connections and provide functions for lists of entries or loading an entry in particular.

Author: Michael Pilgermann


License: GPL (General Public License)

Endpoint Address information about node.
EndpointManager Maintains the list of endpoints.
Protocol Maintains the relation between protocol names and their ids.
ProtocolManager Maintains a list of protocols.

Function Summary
EndpointManager getEndpointManager()
Singleton - returns the instance to the endpoint manager
ProtocolManager getProtocolManager()
Singleton - returns the instance to the protocol manager

Function Details


Singleton - returns the instance to the endpoint manager

If the instance has not yet been initialised, this will be done. Finally, the instance is returned.
The only instance to a Endpoint Manager


Singleton - returns the instance to the protocol manager

If the instance has not yet been initialised, this will be done. Finally, the instance is returned.
The only instance to a Protocol Manager

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Oct 22 22:52:46 2005