Package g4ds :: Module securitymanager :: Class PersonalCredentialManager
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Class PersonalCredentialManager

Maintains the list of personal confidentials for this node.

Unlike the CredentialManager, which stores information for all nodes only including public information, this class maintains also private information; namely private keys. It is only responible for credentials for this node. However, this node has to maintain a credential for each algorithm (RSA; DSA).
Method Summary
  __init__(self, loadFromDatabase)
Initialises the manager with the subjacent database.
Some basic information about the object
  addPersonalCredential(self, credential, persistent)
Add one personal credential to the manager.
  getPersonalCredential(self, credentialId)
Returns the personal credential instance for the given credential id.
List of Personal Credential getPersonalCredentials(self)
Returns a list of all saved personal credentials.

Instance Variable Summary
Dict (String | Credential) _credentials: Dictionary, maintaining the credentials - accessable by its id
Boolean _dbconnected: Indicates, whether the manager is connected to a database; hence whether the changes shall be written through
securitymanager_db.SecDB _sec_db: Security Database Connector

Method Details

__init__(self, loadFromDatabase=1)

Initialises the manager with the subjacent database.
loadFromDatabase - Indicates, whether the manager shall be initialised from the database backend

(Informal representation operator)

Some basic information about the object

addPersonalCredential(self, credential, persistent=1)

Add one personal credential to the manager.
credential - Credential to be added
persistent - Indicates, whether the algorithm shall be written through to the database

getPersonalCredential(self, credentialId)

Returns the personal credential instance for the given credential id.


Returns a list of all saved personal credentials.
List of all personal credentials
           (type=List of Personal Credential)

Instance Variable Details


Dictionary, maintaining the credentials - accessable by its id
Dict (String | Credential)


Indicates, whether the manager is connected to a database; hence whether the changes shall be written through


Security Database Connector

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Oct 22 22:52:46 2005