Package g4ds :: Module g4dsconfigurationcontroller :: Class MemberController
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Class MemberController

Handles controlling of members.
Method Summary
Yet empty Constructor.
  dispatch(self, node, message, incomingmessageid)
Handles incoming messages.
  processUpdateMdl(self, memberid, distribute, ackrequested, data, messageid, timeout)
Processes a request for applying a new version of a member description.
  replyToRequestMemberDescription(self, memberid, messageid)
Looks for the requested member description and replies appropriately.
String requestMemberDescription(self, memberid, destinationMemberId)
Requests the member description for memberid from destinationMemberId.
  requestPushMdl(self, destination, memberid, distribute, mdl, ackrequested)
Push the member description to the given member.
String sendMemberControllerMessage(self, destination, action, args, data, messagereference, sucess)
Any member message should be send through this interface.
List of String / List of String uploadMdlToMembers(self, memberid, mdl, communityid, destinations, timeout, distribute)
Uploads a mdl to a collection of members.
  _subUploadOne(self, memberid, mdl, communityid, destination, distribute, inbackground, status)

Method Details


Yet empty Constructor.

dispatch(self, node, message, incomingmessageid)

Handles incoming messages.
node - Data of the message as DOM tree
message - XML Message in String representation

processUpdateMdl(self, memberid, distribute, ackrequested, data, messageid, timeout=120)

Processes a request for applying a new version of a member description.

replyToRequestMemberDescription(self, memberid, messageid)

Looks for the requested member description and replies appropriately.

requestMemberDescription(self, memberid, destinationMemberId)

Requests the member description for memberid from destinationMemberId.

Note: Is does not wait for the reply. You have to register yourself with the JobScheduler in order to await the reply to the message!
The ID of the message

requestPushMdl(self, destination, memberid, distribute, mdl, ackrequested=0)

Push the member description to the given member.

From the outside use uploadMdlToMembers instead - it's waiting for replies and so on.

sendMemberControllerMessage(self, destination, action, args, data=None, messagereference=None, sucess='0')

Any member message should be send through this interface.
action - Action to perform - check constants in this module
args - Arguments to pass in form of dictionary - name | value
data - Any additional data which does not fit into the args
The ID of the message

uploadMdlToMembers(self, memberid, mdl, communityid=None, destinations=[], timeout=60, distribute=0)

Uploads a mdl to a collection of members.

Supports some job features - chcking for replies...
memberid - ID of the member described in the mdl
mdl - Description in xml format
communityid - ID of the community to use for this transaction - None for any
destinations - List of IDs for members to upload to
           (type=List of String)
timeout - Time to wait for EACH transaction to finish.
List of sucessful member ids and list of unsucessful member ids
           (type=List of String / List of String)

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Oct 22 22:52:46 2005