Package g4ds :: Module descriptionprocessor :: Class ServiceDescriptionProcessor
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Class ServiceDescriptionProcessor

DescriptionProcessor --+

Parses service descriptions (KSDL) and applies knowledge to the managers.
Method Summary
Yet empty constructor.
  applyKsdl(self, ksdl, includingRelations, inbackground, status, raiseExceptions)
Apply a knowledge service desciption to the local managers.
Dict processKsdl(self, ksdl)
Processes a service description given in xml format.
Inherited from DescriptionProcessor: _createOneNode, _decodeOneNode, _determineVersionString

Method Details


Yet empty constructor.

applyKsdl(self, ksdl, includingRelations=1, inbackground=0, status=None, raiseExceptions=1)

Apply a knowledge service desciption to the local managers.

processKsdl(self, ksdl)

Processes a service description given in xml format.

Parses through the XML string and stores all values in easily accessable dictionaries.
ksdl - Service description in XML representation
Dictionary with all values encoded in the XML string

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Oct 22 22:52:46 2005