Package g4ds :: Module communitymanager_db :: Class CM_DB
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Class CM_DB

Maintains the connection to the PostgreSQL database.
Method Summary
Initialises the CommunityManager Database Connector.
  addAlgorithmToCommunity(self, communityid, algorithmid)
Adds a algorithm to the given community.
  addCommunity(self, community, updateMemberRelations)
Adds a community to the communities table.
  addCommunityAuthorityRelation(self, communityid, memberid)
Adds an entry into the table for the relation between authorities (members) and communities.
  addCommunityMemberRelation(self, communityid, memberid)
Adds an entry into the table for the relation between members and communities.
  addGateway(self, memberid, sourcecommunityid, destinationcommunityid)
Adds a gateway relation to the database.
  addMember(self, member, updateCommunityRelations)
Adds a member to the members table.
  addProtocolToCommunity(self, communityid, protocolid)
Adds a protocol to the given community.
List of String getAlgorithmsForCommunity(self, communityid)
Fetch a list of algorithms linked to the given community.
List of String getAuthorisedCommunities(self, member_id)
Fetches the list of all communities, which the given member is an authority for.
c{List} of String getAuthoritiesOfCommunity(self, community_id)
Fetches the list of all member ids which are authorities for the given community.
List of communitymanager.Community getCommunities(self)
Fetch list of all communities from the database.
List of String getCommunitiesForMember(self, member_id)
Fetches list of all communities the given member is a member of.
List of communitymanager.CommunityGateway getGateways(self, memberid, communityid)
Fetch list of all gateways from the database.
List of communitymanager.Member getMembers(self)
Fetch list of all members from the database.
c{List} of String getMembersOfCommunity(self, community_id)
Fetches the list of all member id for the given community.
List of String getProtocolsForCommunity(self, communityid)
Fetch a list of protocols linked to the given community.
Shutdown the database connection.
  updateCommunity(self, community, dropAuthorityRelations, dropGatewayRelations, dropMemberRelations, dropProtocols, dropAlgorithms)
Updates the entry for the community in the database.
  updateMember(self, member, updateCommunityRelations)
Updates the entry for the member in the database.

Instance Variable Summary
PSQL-DB-Connection _connection: Reference to database connection

Method Details


Initialises the CommunityManager Database Connector.

Initialises the connection to the database using the settings in the configuration file / module config. The connection itself is stored in a local variable.

addAlgorithmToCommunity(self, communityid, algorithmid)

Adds a algorithm to the given community.
communityid - ID of the community the algorithm shall be added to
algorithmid - ID of the algorithm, which shall be added to the community

addCommunity(self, community, updateMemberRelations=0)

Adds a community to the communities table.
community - Community to be written to the database
updateMemberRelations - Indicates, whether the relation to the members shall be stored too. Be careful, only apply true on one of the sides: either community or member. Otherwise, duplicate entries in the table for the relationships will be occurent.

addCommunityAuthorityRelation(self, communityid, memberid)

Adds an entry into the table for the relation between authorities (members) and communities.
communityid - ID of the community to put into relation
memberid - ID of the member to put into relation as a authority for the given community

addCommunityMemberRelation(self, communityid, memberid)

Adds an entry into the table for the relation between members and communities.
communityid - ID of the community to put into relation
memberid - ID of the member to put into relation

addGateway(self, memberid, sourcecommunityid, destinationcommunityid)

Adds a gateway relation to the database.
memberid - ID of the member employing the role as a gateway
sourcecommunityid - ID of the community the messages are passed from
destinationcommunityid - ID of the community the messages are passed to

addMember(self, member, updateCommunityRelations=0)

Adds a member to the members table.
member - Member to be written to the database
updateCommunityRelations - Indicates, whether the relation to the communities shall be stored too. Be careful, only apply true on one of the sides: either community or member. Otherwise, duplicate entries in the table for the relationships will be occurent.

addProtocolToCommunity(self, communityid, protocolid)

Adds a protocol to the given community.
communityid - ID of the community the protocol shall be added to
protocolid - ID of the protocol, which shall be added to the community

getAlgorithmsForCommunity(self, communityid)

Fetch a list of algorithms linked to the given community.
communityid - ID of the community, the algorithms shall be returned for
List of ids for algorithms
           (type=List of String)

getAuthorisedCommunities(self, member_id)

Fetches the list of all communities, which the given member is an authority for.
List of ids of communities
           (type=List of String)

getAuthoritiesOfCommunity(self, community_id)

Fetches the list of all member ids which are authorities for the given community.
List of member ids
           (type=c{List} of String)


Fetch list of all communities from the database.
List with instances of all communities.
           (type=List of communitymanager.Community)

getCommunitiesForMember(self, member_id)

Fetches list of all communities the given member is a member of.
List of community ids
           (type=List of String)

getGateways(self, memberid=None, communityid=None)

Fetch list of all gateways from the database.
List with instances of all gateways.
           (type=List of communitymanager.CommunityGateway)


Fetch list of all members from the database.
List with instances of all members.
           (type=List of communitymanager.Member)

getMembersOfCommunity(self, community_id)

Fetches the list of all member id for the given community.
List of member ids
           (type=c{List} of String)

getProtocolsForCommunity(self, communityid)

Fetch a list of protocols linked to the given community.
communityid - ID of the community, the protocols shall be returned for
List of ids for protocols
           (type=List of String)


Shutdown the database connection.

updateCommunity(self, community, dropAuthorityRelations=1, dropGatewayRelations=1, dropMemberRelations=0, dropProtocols=1, dropAlgorithms=1)

Updates the entry for the community in the database.
community - Community instance to be updated
dropAuthorityRelations - Indicates, whether all relations for authorities shall be dropped
dropGatewayRelations - Indicates, whether all relations for gateways shall be dropped
dropMemberRelations - Indicates, whether all relations for members shall be dropped
dropProtocols - Indicates, whether all relations with protocols shall be dropped
dropAlgorithms - Indicates, whether all relations with algorithms shall be dropped

updateMember(self, member, updateCommunityRelations=0)

Updates the entry for the member in the database.

Instance Variable Details


Reference to database connection

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat Oct 22 22:52:47 2005